Fisher Space Pen Factory

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Fisher Space Pen Factory

Located in Boulder City, this little factory is a great stop along the way to Hoover Dam. The Fisher Space Pen was selected by NASA because it writes in zero gravity and has been used on every manned space flight since 1968. In fact, Fisher Space Pens are so cool, they also perform in temperatures from -30°F to +250°F, underwater and at any angle--even upside down! The Fisher Space Pen is unconditionally guaranteed to give outstanding service both here on Earth and in space and is the perfect choice for anyone who demands reliability in a writing instrument. Made at the factory in Boulder City, you can own your own Fisher Space Pen by stopping by the store located at the front of the factory. Used by ski patrols, search and rescue teams, law enforcement agencies, and the armed forces, they also make perfect gifts for your friends who love science and technology. The Fisher Space Pen factory is located at 711 Yucca St. in Boulder City, Nevada



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