Haunted Vegas Show and Tour

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What's the Haunted Vegas Tour and how can I find out more about it?

Haunted Vegas Show and Tour

This really unique tour begins with a short half-hour show introducing some of Vegas' most haunted and ghostly sites. Then, tour goers board buses for a two-hour search for the most haunted sites in Las Vegas. They'll also learn a little bit about Las Vegas history as they stop along the way to visit some of the spookier sites. Even some long-time locals were surprised about the number of supposedly haunted sites in town. The show and tour begins in the Celebrity Room at the Greek Isles Hotel & Casino. It runs every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 9:00 PM. The show is dark Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Tickets are $46.25 and $57.25. For more information call the Greek Isles Box Office at 702-737-5540.



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