Neon Graveyard

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Neon Graveyard

The Neon Graveyard, located near downtown Las Vegas is located on McWilliams and Encanto, and it's where old, discarded neon signs go to die. You may have seen it in several movies filmed in Las Vegas, including "Mars Attacks," "Vegas Vacation," and many more. Often called "The Boneyard," the area is now managed by the Neon Museum, and they'll give tours by appointment only. Regular appointment hours are Tuesday-Friday between 11:00 AM-5:00 PM. Other days and times subject to staff and volunteer availability. Tours cost $5, and you can arrange to photograph or video the signs if you contact the museum ahead of time for their permission. These signs are some of the fascinating history of an entertainment town, and if you have time to visit the Neon Graveyard, don't miss it!



11/7/2006 3:26:05 PM
Patti said:

I can't wait to see the Neon Sign graveyard I had friends that went and said it was awseome! Thanks for keeping the history of Vegas alive.

6/14/2007 2:04:47 PM
paul said:

was in vegs twice locals including cab drivers didnt no were it is im dying to see it!


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