Ethel M Chocolate Factory

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Is the Ethel M chocolate factory open for tours?

Ethel M Chocolate Factory

If you've ever wanted to see how they make your favorite chocolate candies, then this is the tour for you! Ethel M's is another sweet factory located in Henderson, on the corner of Sunset and Mountain Vista, to be exact. You can combine this tour with the marshmallow tour and have quite the sugar overload by the end of the day! This factory tour is also self-guided so you can take it at your own pace, and it's free, too. This is a really interesting tour that shows how the chocolates are created, filled, coated, and packaged ready for sale. After you finish the factory tour, make sure to leave some time for the beautiful botanical cactus gardens out back. They show desert landscaping at its best. The factory and gardens are open daily for tours from 8:30am to 7:00pm. You can find out more by calling 702-435-2641. You can arrange special group tours by calling that number, too.



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