The Neon Museum

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Where is the Neon Museum in Las Vegas?

The Neon Museum

When you think of Vegas, what do you think of? (Besides gambling, that is.) If you said "neon" then this museum is for you. Located downtown under the Fremont Street Experience, dedicated museum workers have saved and refurbished some of the most famous and best loved neon signs from Vegas' long past. Some of them include the Hacienda Hotel's legendary horse and rider, the lamp from the once glorious Aladdin Hotel/Casino, and many nostalgic area business signs. The museum is open 24 hours a day, but most people like to visit after dark, when they can view the old signs in all their restored glory. The Museum is non-profit, so the exhibits are free, but they appreciate donations so they can continue to save the old neon of Las Vegas.



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