Dining at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas

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What restaurants are at the Mandalay Bay – Las Vegas?

Dining at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas

When looking for a good place to eat check out what Mandalay Bay Las Vegas has to offer. You can find anything from American food at Ayreole, the freshest seafood, Asian food at the China grill, to over 100 vodka varieties at Red Square's ice bar. If you want to enjoy entertainment while eating, go to the Rum Jungle. Shanghai Lilly has classic Cantonese and Szechwan foods. World renowned Chefs Wolfgang Puck and David Robins have created Italian menus at Trattoria Del Lupo. Eat at the Bay Side Buffet with beautiful views of the tropical water gardens. If you have a taste for Cajun foods you can eat at the House of Blues Restaurant. Mandalay Bay Las Vegas has dining options ranging from buffets, to cafes, to fine restaurants so you can get a quick brunch or have a romantic dinner. Whatever food you are in the mood for, you can find it at the Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Resort.



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