Weddings at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas

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Can I get married at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas?

Weddings at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas

If you are getting married and want to find a beautiful, romantic location for the wedding ceremony, you should consider the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. You will get a bit of Italy and classic Renaissance ambiance without going out of the country. The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas offers a variety of wedding packages. You can get an event planner that will step you through the process and help you get the wedding of your dreams. Wedding packages may include a bouquet, photos, a video, music, a champagne gift set, spa passes, limousine service, and even a bridal salon package. There are several locations to choose from at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. You can get married on an authentic gondola floating down the Grand Canal, on a beautiful bridge overlooking the water, or in an elegant wedding chapel. Check out details at



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