Venetian Hotel Amenities

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What does the Venetian Hotel have to offer?

Venetian Hotel Amenities

The Venetian Hotel is one of the most beautiful hotels in Las Vegas. It is filled with luxury and classic art, statues, fountains and painted ceilings reminiscent of the Italian Renaissance. Every richly decorated room is designed with elegance. Suites are about twice as large as the average room in Las Vegas. If you are looking for a romantic get-away look no further than the Venetian Hotel. With many top rated restaurants, Grand Canal Shoppes with live entertainment, gondola rides down the Grand Canal, spa facilities and swimming pool, you can find what you need to make your trip relaxing and fun. The Venetian Hotel offers convention and meeting rooms, banquet facilities, a wedding chapel, valet service, dry cleaning services, currency exchange, business facilities, safe deposit boxes, 24 hour security, concierge services, fitness center, nail and hair salon, art galleries, gift shops and much more. The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas is a top rated hotel for good reason. You'll leave feeling like you've experienced a taste of Italy.



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