Las Vegas Fun Activities

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What kinds of kid friendly Las Vegas attractions are there?

Las Vegas Fun Activities

The Habitat attraction in Las Vegas is open daily from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Situated inside the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino's Strip entrance off Las Vegas Boulevard adjacent to its entertainment dome, the Habitat is 5,000 square foot showcase of lofty simulated jungle complete with waterfalls, enclosed in 240 degrees of floor-to-ceiling protective glass that enables the public to view a variety of lions at play and leisure. Handler's utilize only voice and hand signals to direct the lion's movement. Members of the family of lions appear in sequence for periods of no more than six hours at a time before returning to their spacious, permanent homes on an 8 1/2-acre ranch outside Las Vegas. Guests can see the lions literally inches away and can stand beneath or above them in a see-through passageway that bisects the Habitat.



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