Jubilee! All Access Backstage Walking Tour

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Can I really take a backstage tour led by a Vegas showgirl?

Jubilee! All Access Backstage Walking Tour

This exclusive backstage tour of one of Las Vegas' longest running stage shows is a must for everyone visiting Las Vegas. You'll get an intimate look at what it really takes to put on a Vegas show. Tours are led by a showgirl from Jubilee!, who'll show you some of the designer costumes, the lighting and sound booths, the sets, the stage, dressing rooms, and much more. Tours are $15, but if you see the show they are only $10. That's a true Las Vegas bargain! Jubilee! has run for 20 years at Bally's, so you're not only seeing what happens behind the scenes, you're seeing a little bit of Las Vegas history. There are some narrow, steep stairs during the tour, so it may not be appropriate for everyone. You can get tickets by visiting the Bally's or Paris box offices.



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