Lied Discovery Children's Museum

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Is there really a children's discovery museum in Las Vegas?

Lied Discovery Children's Museum

Kids have plenty to do in Vegas, too! One of the best adventures for the entire family is the Lied Discovery Children's Museum. There are areas of the museum dedicated to all children's age groups, and the museum also offers special tours throughout the year. (Checkout the Neon Boneyard tour just in time for Halloween!). The kids will learn about science in a fun environment, and they can interact with the displays, too. With over 100 exhibits in 25,000 square feet, the kids will be occupied for hours. The Lied is one of the largest children's museums in the country. Admission is $7.00 adults * $6.00 seniors, military, children 1-17 * Free for members and children under 1 * Open 7 days a week 10am-5pm during summer * Open Tues-Sun 10am-5pm the rest of the year.



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