
Where can we go for family fun in Las Vegas?

Las Vegas divertimento - il mondo guiness dei record

Si entra in una replica del mondo? Uomo più alto s, e passare al mondo? S più pesante e più breve gemelli. Poi a cibi e bevande: la più grande collezione di vetri colpo al mondo (sembra adeguato per Las Vegas), le repliche dei più grandi frutta e verdura nel mondo in un cesto di frutta gigante, e informazioni su una varietà di record mangiare cibo. Anche se in una zona diversa, che potesse legare con il mondo? S più grande

Altre sezioni del museo include visualizzazioni grafiche interattive o per strutture più alte, più alte montagne, intrattenimento e musica, e le realizzazioni dello spazio. Di particolare interesse sono stati i display con i video del mondo? Più grande s domino cadono i record che sono stati affascinante guardare così come un video dei mondi diapositiva corda più lunga (due ragazzi infilate una corda di quasi un chilometro su una montagna e scivolare completamente verso il basso insieme su una carrucola).

Una speciale sezione di intrattenimento Las Vegas guida rileva i record stabiliti dal fascio Luxor (luce più forte - può essere visto dallo spazio), Stratosphere Tower (corse più alto brivido), Fremont esperienza dimostrano San luce, Hoover Dam, e altri.

Per gli appassionati di sport, hanno un record sportivo database interattivo in cui è possibile cercare praticamente qualsiasi record di ogni cala in qualsiasi sport. Questo fa parte di un buon display di dimensioni record sportivi.

Las Vegas Guinness World of Records si trova a 2780 Las Vegas Blvd.. Sud (Il Las Vegas Strip - a metà strada tra il Circus Circus e il Sahara di fronte a Wet N Wild?). Aperto tutti i giorni, l'ammissione è di $ 6.00 per gli adulti, $ 5 per studenti, anziani, e militari, e $ 4 per i bambini sotto i 12.

Elvis-A-Rama museo - spettacolo a Las Vegas

Ecco una delle migliori attrazioni di Las Vegas! Pochi artisti sono così legate a questa città come Elvis. È comunque possibile sposarsi con

Solo un paio di isolati da Las Vegas Strip, questa raccolta di 3,5 milioni dollari è come niente altro sulla terra. Dopo essere stati accolti da Elvis in voce, si accede alla Elvis-A-Rama zona Museo di vedere il muro musica, proponendo ogni distribuzione commerciale 45 anni, EP, LP e mai registrato dal Re, lungo breve, anno per anno la storia della sua vita . Questo non è un piccolo

Si può sentire la presenza di Elvis attraverso le voci molteplici personalmente script. Non solo un paio di giacche autografate record, ma le cose come le applicazioni di assicurazione auto, la rubrica che contiene i nomi e numeri telefonici del calibro di Natalie Wood, Nick Adam, e il colonnello Tom Parker, e anche un paio di scarpe autografate camoscio blu. Anelli e gioielli sono in vetrina, sia dai suoi primi giorni e più vistosi (e costosi) bande d'oro tempestata di diamanti posseduto e indossato da Elvis nel corso della vita. Il museo ospita una serie di tute Elvis 'marchio di fabbrica, compresi i

Il museo è aperto 10:00 - 6 ore al giorno. Si trova a 3.401 Industrial Road. appena dietro il centro commerciale Fashion Show. Come bonus aggiuntivo, un tributo live da un sosia di Elvis notato Las Vegas 'gioca quasi ogni ora nella parte superiore del momento. Il negozio di souvenir contiene il numero più grande e diversificata di Elvis licenza merce disponibile.

Las Vegas di intrattenimento per bambini - la diga di Hoover

La diga di Hoover è stato spesso indicato come l'ottava meraviglia del mondo. Se si hanno volato da est o sud, potrebbe essere visto dal cielo, ma nulla può paragonare a vederlo da vicino e di persona. Costruita tra il 1931 - 1935 per sfruttare il flusso del fiume Colorado, Hoover Dam è principalmente responsabile per la conservazione dell'acqua utilizzata dalla gente e l'agricoltura nel sud-ovest del deserto tra Arizona, California e Nevada. California ha il diritto di 4.400.000 acro-piede, Arizona 2.800.000 acro-piede, e nel Nevada, 300.000 acro-piede di un anno dal fiume, e la diga di negozi che per il rilascio costante a prescindere dalla stagione. Seduto a soli 30 km dalla Striscia, è anche uno dei primi siti turistici di Las Vegas per i visitatori. Visitare la diga è un'esperienza unica! Con US 93 che attraversa esso, si sono completamente liberi di vagare sulla parte superiore della diga. La vista sul bordo 550 + piedi in aria e giù Black Canyon sul fiume Colorado vale il viaggio da sola. Per un ingresso di $ 4, il? Centro s visitatore contiene un bel po 'di foto storiche e interessanti e mostre.

Tuttavia, il vero divertimento sono i due tour offerti. Il tour più corto va bene per la maggior parte. Assunzione di 30 minuti, si scende nella diga e visualizzare i generatori e vengono prese a alla base della diga, dove è possibile peer lungo il canyon e su verso la cima della struttura torreggiante. Tuttavia, se hai un senso di avventura o che sono più interessati al funzionamento tecnico interno, la durata di un'ora tour Hard Hat è un must. Si scende sul lato della diga in un ascensore tagliato nella roccia vulcanica, e dopo una breve passeggiata attraverso un tunnel di roccia pura, emergono nella stanza del generatore. A differenza del breve tour, si sono prese attraverso un altro ascensore al piano di zona di generazione dove ti trovi vicino al turbine enorme incassato.

Si sono anche presi in gallerie dove si possono vedere i tubi enormi che sono stati sepolti nelle pareti del canyon. Pezzo forte di questo viaggio è il turismo all'interno della diga stessa, che è allineato con due chilometri di tunnel che servono sia per il drenaggio (tutte le dighe hanno una quantità minore di infiltrazione all'interno) e di ispezione. Se si guarda verso il basso oltre il bordo della diga (e soprattutto guardando dal basso), si potrebbe notare un paio di aperture sul lato della diga. Indovinate un po '- il tour cappello duro si può anche camminare per scaricare il peer e presso il canyon dal centro interno della diga. Veramente incredibile. Le visite non è per i claustrofobici, in particolare il tour cappello rigido in cui si prende 10 corse ascensore separato con 20 persone per ogni auto ascensore, e anche a piedi i tunnel interno della diga, che sono circa 5 metri di larghezza e 7 metri di altezza.

Il centro visite è aperto 8:00-5:45. Le visite partono alle 8:30 ed eseguire il resto della giornata. Parcheggio sul lato Nevada (in garage) è di $ 3.00. Parcheggio sul lato Arizona è gratuito. Il tour tradizionale è di $ 8 per gli adulti, $ 7 per gli anziani, e $ 2 per bambini 7-16. Il tour Hard Hat è di $ 25 e comprende un casco che si arriva a mantenere.

Las Vegas divertimento - un tour in elicottero a Las Vegas

Vedere il Grand Canyon in elicottero Jet . Per anni una comapny chiamato Maverick Helicopters ha fornito un vero VIP esperienza in elicottero del Grand Canyon .

Ti danno una avventura di una vita e non solo un altro tour del Grand Canyon . Tutti i voli del Grand Canyon comprende un ritorno sulla Strip di Las Vegas ! Oppure si può godere di un tour in elicottero delle attrazioni di Las Vegas a la carte.

Las Vegas Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Bellagio?

Where are some great family attractions in Las Vegas?

What kinds of kid friendly Las Vegas attractions are there?

What kind of Las Vegas entertainment for children are there?

What kind of Las Vegas area attractions are there?

Where can we go for family fun in Las Vegas?

How high is the hotel at Caesar´s Palace Las Vegas rated?

How many stores are there at the Caesar´s Palace Forum Shops?

Is it easy to find a good place to eat at Caesar´s Palace Las Vegas?

How many pools does Caesar´s Palace Las Vegas have?

Does Caesar´s Palace have a spa?

How can I get information on getting married at Caesar´s Palace?

How many rooms are there at Harrah´s Las Vegas?

what does Harrah´s Las Vegas casino have in it?

Does Harrah´s Las Vegas have any free entertainment available?

What are some of the shows at Harrah´s Las Vegas?

What are some of the Las Vegas Shows at Harrah´s?

Are there any good restaurants at Harrah´s Las Vegas?

What are some Las Vegas Shows to go see?

Where do I find a Las Vegas entertainment review?

What are some Las Vegas Las Vegas Tourist Attractions?

What kind of family fun in Las Vegas is there?

Where is Bellagio Vegas?

Does the Mirage Las Vegas have any attractions?

How do I find Las Vegas hotel ratings?

Does Las Vegas have a automobile race track?

How many seats are at the Las Vegas Speedway?

When will the NASCAR race tke place at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway

What about the nightlife at Caesars Palace?

What about the Desert Passage shopping mall at the Aladdin?

Are there any Las Vegas shows at the Luxor Hotel and Casino?

Do you have any info about the Elvis-a-Rama Museum in Las Vegas?

Are there any kid friendly attractions on the Las Vegas Strip?

What are the best Las Vegas family shows?

Does Las Vegas have any museums?

Is there anywhere to get a good view of the Las Vegas Strip?

Isn't the Strip the only gaming area in Las Vegas?

What's Viva Vision? Isn't it Vegas Vision?

Can I eat and gamble when I visit the Fremont Street Experience?

Is there anyone who shouldn't see the Fremont Street Experience?

What's Neonopolis and where is it?

Who's right for the Fremont Street Experience?

Is the new technology in Viva Vision really worth seeing?

Is there a hotel in Vegas that only offers suites at a reasonable price?

Where can I find a quieter hotel near the Strip but not quite on it?

Is the new Wynn Las Vegas really worth the bucks?

What's THEhotel, anyway?

Isn't there a resort in Las Vegas where the Discovery Channel's "American Casino" was filmed?

Is there a newer or renovated hotel in downtown Las Vegas?

Where can I stay that's close to Lake Mead?

What courses can I play at Lake Las Vegas Resort?

Can I play golf at night in Las Vegas?

Where can I play a round of golf in about three hours in Las Vegas?

Why do locals call Bali Hai the "Rolls-Royce" of Vegas golf courses?

Why is Royal Links Golf Club so special in golf history?

What's the oldest golf course in Las Vegas?

What's the most expensive golf course in Las Vegas?

Where can I get a real PGA-like golfing experience in Las Vegas?

Is Coyote Ugly really just like it was in the movie?

Where can I party 'til I puke?

What's the hottest spot in Vegas?

Where does the UNLV crowd hang out?

I heard the Rio is really a party spot. What's the hottest club there?

Where do the Pussycat Dolls make an appearance in Vegas?

I heard in never Rains in Vegas?

Is there really a beach in Las Vegas?

I've heard Ice is hot in Vegas, what's up?

Where's the best place to dance in Vegas?

Where's a good place to spot celebrities partyin' in Vegas?

Is there a Chippendale's show in Vegas?

Where can I get "thunderstruck" in Vegas?

Where can I wind down after a hard night of bachelorette partying?

What makes the Palomino Club so special?

What is one of the trendiest and classiest places to party in Vegas?

What's the biggest strip club in Vegas?

Where can my bride and I both enjoy a celebration before we tie the knot?

Where are some of the hottest servers in Vegas?

Where is "the place to party" in Las Vegas?

I heard there's a hotel with stripper poles by the beds in Vegas. Which one is it?

Where's a trendy and hip spot to celebrate my bachelorette party in Vegas?

Is there a resort in Vegas that offers everything I need from bachelor party to wedding and beyond?

Is there a special spa package for bachelorettes in Vegas?

What if nightclubbing is just not my bachelor party thing?

Are there any race car driving schools in Vegas?

Are their guided tours I can take with my friends for my bachelor party?

Where can I rent a private VIP area for my buddies?

Can I really have a co-ed party in Vegas?

Is there a place to hike that's not too far from Vegas action?

Wait! Vegas is a desert, how can there be wetlands to visit there?

Where can I cool off when Vegas is just too darned hot?

Where can I see some of the more rare and unknown wildlife in the Southern Nevada area?

Is the Hoover Dam tour really worth the drive?

Is there a nice place I can fish near the Strip?

Where is the Valley of Fire?

I've heard of Spring Mountain Ranch, but just where is it?

What is there to do at Lake Mead?

Are there any gardens I can tour while I visit Las Vegas?

I don't know who Liberace was, was he an actor?

I've seen the Liberace Museum once. Why should I visit again?

What did Liberace collect and what's on display at the Liberace Museum?

Where is the Neon Museum in Las Vegas?

Is there really a children's discovery museum in Las Vegas?

Where can I learn more about the natural history of the Las Vegas area?

Can I see live Elvis impersonators at the Elvis-A-Rama?

Where is the Tribute to Heroes in Las Vegas?

What's Atomic Testing got to do with Las Vegas?

Does Las Vegas really have a long history?

Is there really a Guggenheim Museum in Las Vegas?

Can I get free admission to the Car Show at the Imperial Palace?

What Presidential cars can I see at the Imperial Palace?

What's a Duisenberg anyway?

What kind of cars did the world's most notorious dictators drive?

Can I buy or sell a classic car at the Car Show at the Imperial Palace?

What was the first roller coaster in Vegas?

Is there an indoor roller coaster in Las Vegas?

Can I experience negative g's on a coaster in Las Vegas?

Where can I ride a roller coaster backwards?

What's the VERY BEST coaster in Southern Nevada?

I heard there's an indoor amusement park in Las Vegas. Is that true?

What's the Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues?

What's the MGM Grand Garden and who plays there?

What's a great rock 'n roll venue in Vegas?

What's a Mohave Beach?

Where can I hear a really good swing band in Las Vegas?

Where can I get a decent $5 steak in Vegas?

Is there an old-fashioned drug store soda fountain in Las Vegas?

Are there any really special late food night deals in Vegas?

Is there a reasonably priced real French restaurant in Las Vegas?

Who serves a mean omelet in Las Vegas?

What's one of the popular local's hangouts downtown?

Where can I get real cheap eats on the Strip?

Can I really take a backstage tour led by a Vegas showgirl?

Are there shopping tours for the outlet malls near Las Vegas?

Is the Ethel M chocolate factory open for tours?

Where is the marshmallow factory in Vegas, and do they offer tours?

What's the Haunted Vegas Tour and how can I find out more about it?

Are there mountain bike tours of the area available?

What does the Venetian Hotel have to offer?

What entertainment is available at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas?

What restaurants are available at the Venetian Hotel and Casino?

Can I get married at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas?

What are the rooms like at the Venetian Resort Hotel?

What entertainment is available at the Mandalay Bay Hotel?

What restaurants are at the Mandalay Bay – Las Vegas?

Can I get married at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas?

What are the rooms like at the Mandalay Bay Resort?

What amenities does the New York New York Hotel have to offer?

What entertainment is available at the New York New York Hotel in Las Vegas?

What restaurants are available at the New York New York Hotel and Casino?

What shops are at the New York Hotel in Las Vegas?

What are the rooms like at the New York Las Vegas?

What amenities does Mandalay Bay have to offer?

Are there any Cirque du Soleil shows in Las Vegas besides "O"?

When do the Bellagio Hotel and Casino´s Fountain shows operate?

What is Bellagio Spa?

What are some kid friendly Las Vegas attractions at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino?

Can you get married at the Las Vegas Excalibur Hotel?

What are some entertainment packages at the Excalibur Vegas?

Do any free kid friendly Las Vegas attractions exist?

What are some good restaurants at the Excalibur hotel in Vegas?

Where is Bellagio Hotel and casino?

What is Bellagio hotel and casino Las Vegas?

Where is Bellagio casino?

Where is Bellagio casino in Las Vegas?

Where do I find downtown Las Vegas hotels?

What are the best Las Vegas casinos to play Blackjack at?

What are the best Las Vegas casinos to play slot machines?

What are the best hotels at the best Las Vegas casinos for locals?

What are the best casinos in Las Vegas for poker players?

What are the best Las Vegas casinos for Bingo players?

What are the top rated "Strip" hotels with the best Las Vegas casinos?

What are the best Las Vegas casinos for Keno players?

What are the best Las Vegas casinos for Roulette?

What are the best Las Vegas casinos for Video Poker players?

What are the best casinos in Las Vegas for Craps players?

Where is the Las Vegas Show "O" performed?

Where can I get information about Las Vegas comps?

Are rates for Las Vegas hotels higher on the weekends?

What Las Vegas Shows are at the Excalibur Hotel Casino?

How is the Excalibur Hotel Casino rated?

Are children allowed in Las Vegas casinos?

How can I find out about Las Vegas Thrill Rides?

Who are some of the headliners who have Las Vegas shows?

What are some of the Las Vegas shows in Las Vegas hotels?

What are some of the top Las Vegas impersonator shows?

Does Mandalay Bay Las Vegas have any tourist attractions?

How do I choose the best Las Vegas casinos?

Does Las Vegas have a monorail?

What kind of family attractions in Las Vegas are there?

Is there a variety of Las Vegas magic shows?

Are there any Las Vegas fun spots to go to?

Are there any comedy shows in Las Vegas?

Can I find any large Las Vegas production shows?

Where do I find Las Vegas family entertainment?

Do famous entertainers like doing Las Vegas lounge shows?

What is recommended for large Las Vegas production shows?

Besides an adult show in Las Vegas, can I find magic shows?

Are there any famous acts in Las Vegas?

Can I find any discounts on Las Vegas shows?

Are there any famous Las Vegas magic shows?

Does the Bellagio have any famous Las Vegas shows?

Can I find any plays or Las Vegas family shows?

Does the Excalibur have any adult shows?

What are some good attractions in Las Vegas?

Where are some Las Vegas strip attractions?

What are some good Las Vegas tourist tips?

How do people have family fun in Las Vegas?

Where do I find Information on Las Vegas family entertainment?

What are some Las Vegas attractions for children?

Where can I find Las Vegas tourist tips?

What are some fun things to do in Las Vegas?

How do you have Las Vegas fun?

How do I find Las Vegas attractions for children?

How would someone find Las Vegas and entertainment?

Will I see Las Vegas travel tips?

What are some tourist attractions for Las Vegas?

How would you find Las Vegas family entertainment?

Where will I see Kid Friendly Las Vegas Attractions?

Where can I have some good Las Vegas family entertainment?

Where are some family attractions in Las Vegas?

Is the Mandalay Bay casino and resort a top rated hotel in Las Vegas?

What fun things are there to do at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino?

What are the health spas at the Mandalay Bay Hotel Casino like?

Where are affordable Las Vegas hotel?

What are Las Vegas packages at Bellagio?

Where is Las Vegas live entertainment?

What are the best local casinos in Las Vegas?

What are some of the best Las Vegas casinos?

What are some of the best local casinos in Las Vegas?

What are the best Las Vegas casino games?

What are downtown Las Vegas hotels like?

What are some of the best Las Vegas card games?

How much fun is a Las Vegas card game?

Where do I find the best Las Vegas casinos?

What are some of the best Las Vegas craps tables?

What are some best Las Vegas sports books to read?

How do you get into the best Las Vegas paying casinos?

Do hotels have the Las Vegas best odds casinos?

What are some cheap Las Vegas hotel rates?

Where are cheap hotels in Las Vegas?

Where are affordable Las Vegas Hotels?

Where are discount hotels in Las Vegas?

What are cheap hotels in Las Vegas?

What is the Mandalay Bay Vegas like?

Are there weddings held at the hotel at Mandalay Bay?

What should I know about the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas?

What is the Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas like?

What is the Las Vegas public transportation like?

What is the Las Vegas strip trolley?

Is it beneficial to get Las Vegas limousine rentals?

Recent Las Vegas Questions

Q. Is there a weekly ticket that you can buy to ride the monorail at a reduced price?
A. Click for the Answer

Q. I was wondering if any of the wedding packages include a small after-ceremony reception with a buffet or full-course meal? I expect there would be about 12 guests in attendance. Thanks.
A. Click for the Answer

Q. Myself and my partner would like to get married in January in Las vegas. We would like a Catholic cermony. Can you advise please? We live in the UK and it would be just the two of us coming over.
A. Click for the Answer

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